You Are Not So Smart

292 - The Society Library - Jamie Joyce

Episode Summary

Our guest in this episode is Jamie Joyce who is the president and executive director of The Society Library, an organization that extracts arguments, claims, and evidence from various forms of media to compile databases that map all the bickering and debating taking place across our species.

Episode Notes

Our guest in this episode is Jamie Joyce who is the president and executive director of The Society Library, an organization that extracts arguments, claims, and evidence from various forms of media to compile databases that map all the bickering and debating taking place across our species. They take all our conversations about all the major issues facing society and restructure them into something a single person, or a committee, or someone whose job affects millions can understand and then use to make better decisions.

The Society Library

Jamie Joyce

Jamie Joyce's Twitter

The Society Library's Twitter

The NYT's Coverage of Plandemic

The Society Library's Analysis of Plandemic

The Society Library's Analysis of AI Debates

The Society Library's Town Hall Experiment

Kitted Shop

The Story of Kitted

How Minds Change

David McRaney’s Twitter

YANSS Twitter

Show Notes

